OBD PORT Theft.The OBD PORT is the "On-Board Diagnostics" port on your vehicle. It's a communication interfaces for the vehicles monitoring & control systems. Its also used by garages to identify and resolve faults.
Issue: Unfortunately the OBD PORT can be abused by anyone with access to it (e.g rogue garage, valet parking or car wash employees) to create a copy of your cars electronic key fob! |
Why are we exposed ?Vehicles with "push start" ignition or "keyless entry" have no mechanical key to start the engine. They use electronic key fobs that authenticate with the car using data exchange (over radio signals for keyless or via insertion into the dashboard).
How is the port abused ?Such vehicles hold a digital copy of the keys on the vehicle's "ECU" (Engine Control Unit). The issue is that this digital keys can be downloaded by anyone with access to the vehicles "OBD PORT" and later used to program a blank key - in less than 60 seconds .
Why should I worry ?This duplicate key is identical to the original. It gives the thief total access to OPEN, START and DRIVE away the vehicle - at their convenience often days or even weeks later.
Now read about KEYLESS ENTRY Theft. |
1. COVERT TheftIf you leave your vehicle unattended at a car wash, garage or allow valet parking, your cars digital key can be downloaded via its OBD PORT by dishonest staff using readily available technology.
Sometime later, often days, weeks or months, the thief can come to your house and drive away your vehicle - using a key! No smashed glass or forced access (see video). |
2. SMASH & STEAL TheftIt takes 60 seconds to download the digital key via the OBD PORT from your car and program to a new blank key.
Thieves can use more brutal force to smash windows to access your vehicles' OBD PORT. They can do this in a car park, side street or in extreme cases, outside your home. These thieves don't even care about setting off the alarm and can operate in gangs to confront owners. (see video). |